
Technical: Complete Quiz 7 – Words

I found quiz seven to be very interesting. I enjoyed reading about words in chapter nine. There was one question that I found tricked me on my first attempt of the quiz:


After reading the feedback I realised that the word comprise means include, so the ‘of’ was not necessary. I can remember a few assignments when I have used the word ‘of’ when it probably shouldn’t have been there…

Inquiry: Chapter 11 of Media Writing.

Whitaker, Ramsey & Smith (2012, p.229) says “Writing copy for radio and television news and for organisational broadcast media used in public relations is both more difficult than it seems and easier than it looks”.

Broadcast copy is written for the ear not the eye. Which means the listener or viewer must absorb the information as it is presented, or they will miss the story.

What are the key differences between writing for broadcast and print- based media?

  • Radio and TV stories are designed to be spoken over the air, opposed to print media is to be read. The listener does not have the opportunity to return to something that was missed.
  • Tight writing is a must. Learn to write to length. The writing is presented in a tight time frame opposed to print copy able to be read at leisure.
  • “Write as you speak”, write conversationally and explain complex events in understandable language.
  • Complex or obscure words are written with pronouncers in brackets, so the reader can pronounce the words properly.
  • Rule of 20. Each syllable in a sentence may run and still be easily understood. However not every sentence should be the same length.



Whitaker, W, Ramsey, J & Smith, R  2012, Media writing: Print, broadcast, and public relations, 4th edn, Routledge,  New York, NY.


Practical: Broadcast Script.

The following is a broadcast copy of the interview conducted in Week 4.




Here I have Molly Scott, 21 and Eilish Beck, 17. And they both agree that having a successful future is important. Presenter
Eilish said she believes that family and friends are equally important as having a successful future because “they keep me grounded and focused”. Eilish Beck Interview
When asked why having a successful future was important to Molly she said “I’m not just referring to work or money, but to having a great family and good friends”.
Eilish Beck, 17 agreed with Molly that having a successful future was important. “Family, friends, and remembering how blessed we are to live in Australia” were the top things that Eilish listed off.
After returning home from a volunteer gap-year at Camp Jubilee in Canada, 2013, 21-year-old Molly Scott said “it made me realise that I wanted to help children in need”. Molly Scott Interview
Currently in grade 12 at Heights College, Eilish prides herself on being a studious and athletic student. Participating in many extra curricular activities, she still finds time to hang out with friends and spend quality time with her sisters, and cousins. Eilish Beck interview
Molly also said “my parents have given me a lot in life, so I respect them a lot, hopefully one day I’ll be as good at parenting as they are”. Molly Scott interview
Eilish believes we are blessed to live in Australia, she said “we are so lucky to live in a country like ours, especially now with all the terrible things happening in the world”. Eilish Beck interview
It is clear that both Molly and Eilish have similar goals for a successful future, both include family and friends.  Presenter